Kalob Mikal "Bubba"

Created by Julie 16 years ago
Kalob Mikal Walker was born on January 12, 2000 at a month premature and was taken from us way to early. He was a little guy with lots of love, energy and life to give. He loved his Daddy, Mommy, Sissy, Papa, Nana, everyone. He was a true gentle giant. At birth he weighed 8lbs 4 oz at 4 months he was 25lbs, and at 19 months old he stood 36 inches tall and weighed 38lbs (he was bigger than his big sister). I remember everywhere we use to go people would always ask us if they were twins and we would simply tell them no. He was the love of our lives. It is so hard to explain, this year will be 8 years and I miss him as much today as I did 8 years ago, I just grieve differently now. What happened was so unfair and how quickly it happened is even more unfair but what can you do. We believe that God does everything for a reason. Whenever you saw Bubba he had a huge smile on his face, even when he was being evil… His big eyes and his chubby cheeks and his need to do everything and anything that his sister was doing no matter what. He had such a presence to himself, everyone knew when he was around, if not you were about to find out he was around. At such a young life he had such a love for life, it was weird how he lived everyday to the fullest and if he learned anything new or discovered anything new everyone around knew it. He was so proud of everything he did, no matter what it was. His Daddy and I both think if he was still with us he would be a big boy and his love for baseball would be in full force with it. He loved his little red baseball bat, he use to beat up his Daddy with it every morning as a wake up call saying,” Dada Dada.” That was even what that bats name was it was called his Dadda. We are still here deeply missing him but we know one day we will be with him again. WE LOVE YOU ALWAYS AND FOREVER BUBBA..
